Monday, 7 November 2011

Balancing family and work life

How do you find the time to do all of that? This question often comes up during conversations with friends as we discuss my latest challenge. (Most recent of of which is enrolling in a university writing certificate program.) My answer; I am fortunate to have a very supportive family.

My husband has always been very supportive of my endeavors. When our girls were young, he rearranged his work so I could take on a project that was important to me. This way he could be home with our daughters in the early part of the day while I was at work. I must admit my day did begin at 6:00 am so I guess both of us made adjustments. Our daughters grew up knowing that it was important for families to stick together and support each other, even if it wasn't always easy.

I often hear complaints from friends that even though they are working full time, they are still the main caregiver in the home and have a hard time getting their husband to do housework or babysit the children. My response to this is that the children have two parents and we never considered that my husband was "babysitting". Although I dislike the term parenting, this is what he was doing. As far as housework goes, again I am lucky to have a husband who shares in it 50/50. (I must admit he gets the yucky 50%)

My recipe for balancing family and work life, to sit down and honestly discuss your family's needs and work out a plan together on how to make it work. Having the best husband in the world helps too!


1 comment:

  1. You have the right idea Kim and perhaps from a different slant... you are giving your husband an opportunity to not miss the best years with the kids.

    I made it too easy for my husband who was very busy and now that the kids are both grown and off being just as busy in their lives as he was, he missed his chance.

    It goes by quickly so cherish it.
